Thursday, January 22, 2009

It only took five minutes to walk to the lake from my apartment yesterday morning. Another minute to walk in knee-deep snow to reach the water, and three minutes of blinking incessantly to say, pretty, muy pretty, got it, I'm done. It isn't quite picnic season yet so I wasn't ready to lay out a blanket, set up my snacks, and write, have a quiet morning by myself at the lake. But it has been sunny lately, and from what everyone tells me, that won't last. I'm trying to enjoy it as much as I can while I can.
In some way, living in Santa Monica helped. We had many grey, foggy days with ample cloud coverage while the rest of the city was blasted with sun sun sun. I wore an extra layer. I'm wearing many extra layers, and not a day goes by when I don't have feathers on and sticking out of my clothes, thanks to my comfy down jacket, and layers of caking lotion that really does nothing to help save my skin from looking like a Podling whose essence has been taken (geek check). 
Exhibit A, see photo below. (I did say it was early morning right?)

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