Going back to LA after having left it only forty days before seemed a bit antithetical to my "big move." I wasn't gone long enough to miss LA. The people in it most definitely yes, but not the city, my apartment, driving, the weather. Chicago still has its novelty; there is so much I haven't seen or done. But the holidays being what they are--expensive, stressful, full of calories and those awkward few moments of holding a pose while waiting for the timer on a camera --should be spent with family. I am lucky enough to have a very smart (and handsome) boyfriend who knew it would do me some good to go home (thank you again my love!!!). I didn't have a white christmas in the snow-packed midwest where temperatures reached -30 whenever wind whipped around. But I did manage, quite easily, to have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Eve in a surprisingly chilly LA.

I left on December 17th dragging my suitcase through a half foot of snow and returned on the first to just a hint of snow. Whatever is left has been pushed off onto the base of trees and the edge of sidewalks and buildings. The pushing aside and against things has formed mini, grimy icebergs all around the city. (note the bottle of Bacardi Gold, Corona, and cigarette butts) Snow not so pretty anymore. With the sky being gray, no leaves on trees, and the dirt
conquering grass, snow will be welcomed. And then after a few weeks (months) of snow....aaaah the cycles of life, passage of time, and the ability to adapt! One cannot, rather, should not, be too resistant to change. It's gonna happen whether you want it or not. Be prepared. Carry an umbrella. Or your stunna shades.

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