Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Boxes, bags, and boogers

Don't know how it happened, but I'm at the end of Wednesday. 
Sunday was wonderfully spent with my family. (Thank you very much momma).
Monday was lunch with the parents, business being take care of, and dinner with a friend. Tuesday, voted (of course!), and Disneyland with family.

Today? More lovely, wonderful, generous family around to help.
We filled up not only boxes, but bags. Bags of things that should probably have been recycled.
I will say a full rosary for my penance (and theirs). 

I'm feeling numb, and I have a cold. But that is what happens when stress reverberates like the thud thud from a super woofer, so much so that the neighbors feel it. 
I've got all this work I have to do (eyes and throat begin to itch)
I'm going to (cough) miss "....", (cough cough).
I'm really (sneeze) going to miss ".....", sneeze sneeze cough, eyes burn.

So when I'm saying my farewells, my eyes will be red and swollen, my nose red and chapped, my voice on the scary tranny side, and my hands filled with gooey tissues.
But my arms will still be wide open expecting your hug and my cheek ready for your kiss. 
Don't disappoint!

I am so, so much looking forward to spending the weekend in Chicago after our Tuesday. 
The city will be buzzing with pride and excitement. I'll tell you all about it.

1 comment:

Monique Lula said...

You're going to feel so great after all this is over. It really is a cleansing and true life experience is coming your way.

You haven't lived til you have moved away from home, and assimilated into a non native society. You will be twice as smart in a year or two. :)

life experience baby!

It is the one thing many Californians lack, as we sometimes think it is the only state in the US. haha