Sunday, November 2, 2008

Clearance--Everything Must Go!!!

Early last week, I went through my apartment and started piling things in the living room for a yard sale.  Considering I've been living in this apartment for 13 years, there was quite a bit stashed away, like little nuts or rusty cans in a b-shelter, just waiting. Goodbye blood-red platform shoes! So long sweater that I haven't used since 1999! Fare-thee-well heating pad from the 1960's!
It is such a liberating feeling to rid oneself of earthly goods. Okay fine. Not earthly goods, but crap.  I feel so cleansed--like I had a high colonic or something. 

My mommabear spent the night on Friday.  Saturday morning we had an early start. Twice we were rained on. But the day was super sunny, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, chilly, hot, beautiful.
I had high hopes that as soon as I started laying out all the goods (crap) I wanted to get rid of, the sounds of screeching tires, doors slamming, and footsteps hurriedly walking my way would preface "ooooh I want that, how much?" That is not quite how it happened. But I did manage to make a hundy and some change, thanks to all the paisa's that were walking by. 

I was completely done-exhausted that is-by the end. Not just because I started my day so early or because of all the physical work involved, but also because the reason I was selling things: I'm moving on. I'm moving physically, emotionally, mentally. And most definitely yes, it is exciting. But the sadness that seeps in, i.e. the mourning of one phase of life, should be acknowledged. Even if it is with my favorite blanky and deep sleep.

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