Monday, February 16, 2009

Finally. I finally had my first weekend gadding about, at night. And, with friends.
As much as I'd like to, I have yet to try and go out by myself, for many reasons. For one, there is that unfortunate reality that as much "freedom" we purport to have in this country, I, as a woman, still do not have the "freedom" to walk about at night, on my own. I can, and am able to, but must run the risk of being attacked on my way to/from a poetry reading, a show, from visiting someone. I must maintain an "orange alert" status at all times. Or so I'm told. But this past weekend was not color coded for me. Well it was if you want to code each day-or hour-by the color of drink I had. (chuckle chuckle).

From Wednesday to Saturday, Chicago played host for this year's AWP conference. Think of it as a literary Lollapalooza where us writerly and readerly types get to run from show to show, listening to the well-established and the up-and-comers. And we get to play. 
Wednesday was not just arrival day, it was also Karin's birthday. We began our night by having martinis and tapas at Mercat a la Planxa, the very chic and sexy restaurant/bar of the Blackstone Hotel where Karin was staying ( We changed hats and made our way over to Bucktown, to The Map Room, one of the must-sees of Chicago. The Map Room is a Mecca for the beer-minded. They are a beer school people! And a coffee house that serves great local coffee (Intelligentsia), and it has free Wi-Fi, and it allows for tamales to happen. It was just perfect--I heard a faint and familiar call come through the crowd--"tamales. tamales. tamales." There was no thinking twice in calling the man over, then quickly covering our table with corn husks and wadded up napkins. Tamales and beer. Two of my favorite things.

Thursday was a Chocolate & Beer Tasting featuring Dogfish Head Ales at a place called In Fine Spirits in Andersonville where we tried Midas Touch Golden Elixir, a beer whose recipe came from studying the ingredients in the drinking vessels of Midas's tomb. How dorky cool is that? That night I met a man named Brierley who told me that he likes to chase rabbits at his parents' house, catch 'em, then eat 'em. Not joking. And from the size of his belly, don't think he was either. Friday was pizza, being late to a poetry reading, then the Hilton bar, then a dance party. Saturday, the Mercat again, being on time to a poetry reading but the reading was late, and then an Irish pub where we got to see a drunken Scot and his wife work the room. Sunday, Karin and Reed left. Today, Monday, I'm still tired. And happy for it. Thanks, you two, for a wonderful time!!

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