Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Covering things up.....

I've been a bad writer. A neglectful one, a conflicted one, and also an anxious one.  I've also been sick and my computer took a crap on me, so there, for you, are just a few reasons (excuses for some) why I haven't written in a month. 

Sunday, the 7th, marked my one month anniversary with Chicago. We're still going strong. On Sunday, November 30th, we had our first snow. During the days leading up, there were flurries, quiet and modest storms in practice; but the flakes melted as soon as they touched a surface. So I wasn't expecting that Sunday to wake up to everything concealed under white white white. Sad to say it, but at my old age, this was my first snowfall. It's not like I haven't been in snow before. I've gone skiing, sliding, snowball fighting.  But this SoCal girl had never seen snow fall from the sky to have it melt on my tongue and scratch my eyeballs until that day. I even have video of it--me taking my first steps in wintry terrain with my very sexy snow boots that make me look like your average behemoth. That video, however, is stuck on the hard drive that went all wonky on me. Errrr. Also that morning, I added to my library of audibles. I heard a very strange scratchy, scraping noise all around. I didn't have to look far to see what it was that I had already expected: people at their cars and on the sidewalks with tools, vigorously clearing the snow out of the way so they could start their day. Oh so glad I don't have a car! 

Today, it's raining. The temperature is a lovely 39 degrees, and the snow is melting, leaving the ground in patches of snow, dirt, leaves, and whatever green that is still alive. I'm quite surprised and proud of myself for how quickly I've acclimated to the weather. I've thicker skin than I thought. Literally and figuratively. (More on that later....).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It actually snowed here today! My entire lawn was white, and I was laughing my ass off watching snow pile up on my red jeep that still has California plates.

Real weather is a riot! It's like a whole new drama in my life that I never knew existed until I left So Cal. I never thought I would actually enjoy seasons.

Glad to hear you are doing well!