Thursday, April 2, 2009

My gills got clogged. Moving on to different waters.

It has been some time since I've written in this here blog o' mine. 
That is because it has been some time since I've been in Chicago.  
I left, the end of February, for what was supposed to be a quick LA visit, but ended up staying more than a month, for various reasons. 
I'm now back in Chicago, but only,  and unfortunately, to pack up my things, close down my apartment, and get caught in as many tourist traps as possible. My reasons for leaving are many. I just wish I could have stayed longer, to see spring, summer, fall--to get past the weight of winter. But the city isn't going anywhere. I will come back, just under different circumstances. 
If anyone has any suggestions for my last minute tour--hit me with'em.